Monday, May 28, 2007

Playing with Blurry

Lespes, Romania (July 2003)

At first I didn't know what that was on the tree and so I took the shot thinking that the blue and
white would add just enough to make this shot interesting. Hiking shots always have lots of potential, but this particular area was somewhat bland. I love how the blurry people walking are in line with the medical cross.

Zarnesti, Romania (April 2004)

This shot of Emma was one of many that I took that day in attempt to play around with focusing; I have another shot of the exact inverse effect where Emma is in focus, but I decided to post this one since I have a theme of "Playing with Blurry"

Lunca Bradului, Romania (July 2005)

I really like this one because of the placement of her eyes and the depth of field between the three girls.

Lunca Bradului, Romania (July 2004)

I absolutely fell in love with this picture after I took it because of the way that her smile comes across being a little blurry. I think that there is something to be said here for the ability of a little out of focus providing a lot of natural character.

Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania (July 2005)

This is another shot that I totally fell in love with. See the above comment about natural character. I actually think that I prefer certain pictures with the blurry effect to their crisp and clear counterparts.

Fresno, California (October 2002)

This shot was taken with a 70-300 telephoto lens by Canon at Ice Capades. I tried that night to get lots of great shots but I didn't have too much success. This one turned out nice

Florence, Italy (June 2006)

Believe it or not, this was the view that we had on our first visit to Florence to celebrate 2 years of marriage. We had a huge terrace outside of the apartment that we stayed in with my parents and brother and sister. I slowed the cars down to catch this shot of the road by the river.

Rome, Italy (June 2006)

Every night in Rome is a party, especially here, again by the main river, where venders and restaurants set up their chiosks and work the tourists. We ate down there one night (waited forever for the food) and enjoyed the night life. This shot's attempt was to magnify the "night life" look a bit.

Zarnesti, Romania (April 2004)

Nothing difficult here, just a tree that I just climbed down from and decided to admire for a second.

Risnov, Romania (July 2005)

At the top of hill, (just like in the movies) sits a citadel that almost seems unreachable. This was taken from the top in light of an inscripted plaque to give perspective.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana (October 2006)

Taken at Bethany World Prayer Center in Louisiana, this shot is full of life and just makes you want to be there amongst all of those people worshipping God.

Florence, Italy (June 2006)

When I saw the opportunity for this shot I was thrilled because it is inspired by one of my all time favorite pieces of art, "Starry night over the Rhone" by Van Gogh.

Just People

Kenya, Africa (July 2000)

The guy with the nice camera was our team leader on a trip 24 of of us took spending 8 days in Kenya and 8 days in Israel. It was one of the most amazing trips I have and will ever take. This shot is a personal favorite, because only when someone is taking a shot like they are can you catch such focus.

Targoviste, Romania (June 26, 2004)

This is just one of those "Emma faces" that you don't catch often :)

Lunca Bradului, Romania (August, 2004)

Parallel shot of the guys and the tress.

New York City, New York (January, 2007)

I didn't take this shot but I had to include it because I just like it so much. It carries so much character with it. Our first day in the city we had no choice but to get the messy hot dog on the corner.

Razvad, Romania (August, 2005)

Working on a backhouse with my 3rd year of interns. Caught one sleepin' on the job and thought I'd take advantage of the shot before scolding him :)

Abstract for no Particular Reason

Windows, Doors and Halls


Overlapping Layers